Special Message Regarding the 2025 Board Election
for the Fire Department Retired Member
of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners
To All Retired (not including DROP), Sworn Fire Department Members
We extend our deepest sympathies and solidarity to all those affected by the
unprecedented wildfires impacting the City and County of Los Angeles. We recognize the
challenges you may be facing and want to ensure that you are still able to participate in
the 2025 Election for the Fire Department Retired Member of the Board, even if your
personal residence has been impacted.
Beginning Tuesday, February 18, 2025, if you require a replacement ballot, you may
contact the Office of the City Clerk – Election Division through any of the following
1. Phone: (213) 978-0444
2. Email: Clerk.ElectionAdmin@lacity.org
3. In-Person: 555 Ramirez St., Space 300, Los Angeles, CA 90012,
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
The Election Division will provide you with an Affidavit of Loss/Non-Receipt to
complete. Once the Election Division receives the completed Affidavit back – by email,
mail, or in-person – they will confirm your eligibility to participate, and you will be issued
a replacement ballot. Your replacement ballot can be picked up in-person from the
Election Division or mailed to you via U.S. Postal Service to an alternate address. You
will also receive a Business Reply Envelope, and an Identification Envelope.
Place the completed Identification Envelope with the voted ballot enclosed into the
Business Reply Envelope and deposit in any U.S. Postal Service mailbox. Alternatively,
you can provide Election Division the ballot in-person by use of the drop box or mail slot
at their office. All ballots must be received by the Election Division no later than 5:00 p.m.
on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
LAFPP remains committed to supporting you during this difficult time and ensuring your
voice is heard in this important election.