Los Angeles Retired Fire and Police Association

Main Office Numbers

Toll Free: (888) 288-5073

Phone: (323) 283-4441 or (626) 285-5138

Fax: (626) 285-1461

Office Location

9521 Las Tunas Drive, Suite 4, Temple City, CA 91780

Office Hours

Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm

Saturday-Sunday and major holidays, closed for a list of holiday closures click here

Donations: Mail checks to the Los Angeles Retired Fire and Police Benevolent Association the office location address listed on this page OR Donate Online.

Events: events@larfpa.org
Articles: newsletter@larfpa.org
Advertising: advertise@larfpa.org
Estate Plan Reimbursement: estateplanning@larfpa.org

Questions about membership: membership@larfpa.org
Financial Assistance: benevolent@larfpa.org

Print assistance request form

Call the Association office at (626) 285-5138.

Please DO NOT use this contact form to disclose any personal health information.