On February 18, 2025, the Elections Division of the LA City Clerk’s Office will be mailing out ballots to retired fire members of the Los Angeles Fire & Police Pension. The ballots must be received by March 12, 2025. The elected commissioners serve a term of five years.


This year, Retired Fire Commissioner Ken Buzzell is up for reelection. Commissioner Buzzell has served as the retired fire commissioner since 2017. He served as president of the commission in 2022. Before being a commissioner, Buzzell served on the board of the Los Angeles Retired Fire and Police Association from 2009 to 2017.


We cannot overstate the importance of the elected commissioners in maintaining the financial integrity of our pension plan. LARFPA has directors who attend every pension commission meeting.


The LARFPA Board of Directors encourages everyone to get out and vote. It matters.