The Form 1099-R is now available for retired members on MyLAFPP! It is the easiest and fastest way to view and print your tax statement without waiting for delivery to your mailing address.

If you have not created a MyLAFPP account, you will need a PIN number to register. Please contact the Communications & Education Section of the Pensions Department at (213) 279-3155 or send an email to with your contact number and they will return your call during business hours.

The Pensions Department recommends viewing and downloading your Form 1099-R on a computer.
1. Log in to MyLAFPP.
2. Click Forms and Correspondence.
3. Click Statements.
4. Locate “1099-Tax Year 2020”.
5. Click “Document” to open and download your 1099-R.

For the full guide with screenshots visit here:

Form 1099-R Questions:
Contact the Retirement Services Section at (213) 279-3125 or

MyLAFPP Questions:
Contact the Communications & Education Section at (213) 279-3155 or

Please note that if you have any additional questions, please contact the Pensions Department directly using the contact information above. Thank you!